Thursday, December 22, 2011

My son has had his D.L. Suspended?

He recieved a speeding ticket 2 months ago 80-55mph. the fine was $210. He paid the ticket at the county court house 4 days before his required date. It was a Friday morning. about 2 weeks late he gets a certified letter stating his liscence has been suspended for 6 months for failing to pay the ticket. He took his letter and the payment reciept back to the courthouse and was told by a clerk that it may have been posted since his payment was made 4 days prior that it may not have been registered into the system by the expiration date. However, his liscence is still suspended. Hw needs to at least go to work . I said go ahead and drive, but carry both the suspension letter and the reciept for payment. I'm sure thats the wrong thing to do. but untill we get this straightend out, he has no other way to get back and forth. public transportation dosn't exsist in this rural area of south Georgia. and no body would give him an 80 mile round trip drive including me. I understand that he also has to pay a reinstatement fee to get his DL off suspension. If your a patrol officer, and he told you this story what would you do to him given all this information ? In the mean time, does he need to go to court and have a judge at least let him aplly for a hardship liscence ? Or who handles that stuff, the DMV ? he is going to be 19 in 2 months, if he misses anywork he will get fired and that is what I'm trying to avoid for him. Is this something else other than just the payment not being posted into the computer. Or is it automatic to get a 6 months suspension when your 18 and younger ?


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