Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why is their such a difference between the media treatment of?

It's basically cl and background. Shannon's parents are not together anymore, and she is working cl. Madeleine's parents are still married, and are middle-cl professionals. It's horrible, but that's what it is. I also noticed that Shannon has nowhere near the amount of media attention, and that there are no millionaire backers to support her family. Where are JK Rowling, Branson, the Beckhams, and all those celebrities now? It is not fair at all. All missing children deserve the same treatment, so why has Madeleine had so much more than others? I don't begrudge Madeleine any of the attention, but I think it's awful that Shannon and others have not had one-fifth of the attention that Madeleine has. All are missing, and all need to be found.


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