Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I went recently for the same thing. It was a lot of questions. She did do blood work and recommended having certain tests done (like if you are a carrier for cystic fibrosous). She will give you a Rx for prenatal vitamins if you are not already on one. Mine talked a lot about how often and when to have . Since you have been trying so long you may want to research what is the 1st step in fertility treatment (medications etc.) You may want to keep a journal of when you ovulate and when you start so you can show that to the Dr. because if you are not ovulating you can't get pregnant and that may be an easy fix. I wouldn't expect too many tests right away probably some blood work and then they may schedule tests for another day. Hope I helped. Don't be nervous and make sure you have all your questions written down so you don't forget any! ***** Baby Dust to you!!!


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